Critical Incident Stress Management

If you have a death or injury at your workplace, we can help.

Work productivity can be severely disrupted when a death, injury or other traumatic event occurs at the workplace or to a co-worker. We can provide an initial phone consultation with management to determine what interventions will best help your employees recover and regain their effectiveness as quickly as possible. We offer a range of services on-site including group discussions that have been shown to help employees reduce the stress they experience as a result of a critical incident at work. We can be available to meet with your employees individually at the worksite to answer questions and give suggestions. Finally, we can provide long term assistance to employees who take more time to recover.

The end goal of these interventions is for your employees to find peace of mind and to return to productive work.

Why us?
Julia Murray LPC has extensive training in Critical Incident Stress Management. She has provided critical incident services in a variety of industrial and commercial settings.